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Although they learned to sail in different countries, with different sailing conditions, the young crews of (left to right) Orkestern, Hydroquest and Ninita all had dreams of bluewater cruising, and worked hard to convert those fantasies to reality.©
A number of boats were sunk and destroyed, and many more damaged, as hurricane and then tropical storm Newton hit southern Baja and moved on over toward San Carlos/Guaymas between Tuesday and Wednesday.
Boating activities of all sorts increase on any holiday weekend, so we’d expect the tally of rescues to increase proportionally.
As noted in the ad below, tonight is the night when southbound skippers can mix and mingle with potential crew at Latitude 38‘s Mexico-Only Crew List Party.
The Rio 2016 Paralympic Games will be held on September 7-18, with sailing on September 11-17 on Guanabara Bay.
While there are never any guarantees about the weather, Ha-Ha conditions have historically been light to medium winds from aft of the beam.
While many Americans are stocking up on hotdogs, hamburgers and beer for much-anticipated Labor Day Weekend barbecues, many Hawaiians are stocking up on batteries, bottled water and non-perishable foods as dual hurricanes approach.
John Kearney’s Express 27 Salty Hotel sails past Point Bonita on the way to Drake’s Bay.
In living color — Latitude 38’s September 2016 issue premieres tomorrow. latitude/Annie
©2016Latitude 38 Media, LLC The September issue of Latitude 38 will come out on Thursday, September 1.
 With all sails flying, Agnes really moves. The mid-1800s cutters that Agnes is modeled after were purpose-built to deliver pilots to and from commercial ships, and were among the fastest sailing craft of their era.
According to Mexico News Daily and other sources, the process of entering Mexico just got a whole lot easier, thanks to the establishment of a new website that allows would-be visitors to apply for and print out actual 180-day FMM (multiple entry visa) visas online.
"Gannet looks as though she just came in from a daysail," says Webb Chiles of his trusty steed, a flush-deck Moore 24, pictured here docked in Durban Harbor.
The SoCal Ta-Ta sails in the spirit of Bob and ‘one love’.  latitude/Richard
©2016Latitude 38 Media, LLC It’s not often you get to cruise in the spirit of Bob Marley, but you can do that in just over two weeks as part of the SoCal Ta-Ta from Santa Barbara to Catalina with stops at Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands Harbor and Paradise Cove.
Plug it in or throw it out? We’re looking for knowledge-based advice.  L
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC When Doña de Mallorca got to Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz a few weeks ago to bring Profligate north, she observed that the two 50-ft, 30-amp shorepower cords that were connected together were on the dock and out of the water.
Boat fires are on our minds this week, not only because we reported on a horrible fire in San Diego’s La Playa Anchorage Monday, but because we just got the whole story on the loss of Sand Piper, an Island Packet 44 owned by Ed Staples and Annette Alexander.
St. Francis YC’s annual three-day Aldo Alessio Regatta was established in 1992 through an endowment by Aldo Alessio, who was the club’s commodore in 1970.
An unidentified man suffered second-degree burns over 60% of his body Saturday night after surviving a propane explosion and fire on his Columbia 26 at La Playa Cove near the San Diego YC.
Gary Jobson, who served as commentator for NBC at the Olympics, is coming to St.
Wild times on the Olympic Circle in SFYC’s Summer Keelboat Invitational. © Erik Simonson Sailing photographer Erik Simonson was on the spot to capture images of this round-down (followed by an accidental jibe turning the mishap into a round-up) complete with man overboard (who fortunately hung onto the boat).
Some offshore sailors dread getting up at all hours of the night to stand watch.