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The previous incarnation of AC45 fleet racing was a huge international success. But this time, Ellison hopes to stage races in 10 different countries, which would be even better.
Warm temperatures and light breeze had some observers wondering if any boats would start this year’s Big Daddy Regatta, hosted by Richmond YC.
As we noted last week and in March’s Sightings, registration for this year’s Delta Doo Dah will open tomorrow, March 11, at noon at www.deltadoodah.com.
The ever-popular Banderas Bay Regatta is focused on not-too-serious fun, as it attracts cruisers who are essentially racing their homes.
Latitude 38 has featured Webb Chiles before — the intrepid singlehanded sailor and author has circumnavigated the globe five times under sail and is now in the final stages of preparing for an epic journey around the world in his flush-decked Moore 24 Gannet.
A representative of Hacienda, the Mexican IRS, has told 75-year-old American John Hards of the Nuevo Vallarta-based Pelican that he is to be fined 84,000 pesos — a little under $7,000 — for a typo in his Temporary Import Permit.
In Wednesday’s CB #2, we reported on how we discovered that rats/mice had gotten aboard the Wanderer’s Olson 30 La Gamelle and started feasting on candle wax, tampons, boogie boards, mayonnaise, a North Gatorback main, and other goodies.
La Gamelle spent the summer at the St. Martin Shipyard. She’s the boat in the back of the photo, not the front.
There will be no shortage of crew aboard the Hughes 58 cat Li’l Explorers.
World-class solo racer, Alex Thompson is well known in racing circles for singlehanding the Hugo Boss-sponsored Open 60 around the world.
You didn’t want to be transiting the Santa Cruz Harbor entrance this weekend.
So you’re in charge of Search & Rescue for the Coast Guard, and somebody calls and says "My friend who is sailing a 24-ft boat from Hawaii to San Francisco sent me a message that read, ‘I lost my life raft, in danger now.’"
With the America’s Cup in an off year and the next AC World Series not having started yet, fans of stadium racing on big catamarans fortunately have another option; the Extreme Sailing Series.
"I was also in a meeting at the SAT (Mexican IRS) with their legal department, Banjercito (the military bank Temporary Import fees are paid to), Aduana (Customs), and other agencies, with Maria Elena Carrillo, the attorney for our Mexican Marina Owner’s Association," reports Tere Grossman, president of the Mexican Marina Owner’s Association.
The March issue of Latitude 38 is out. Although today’s weather is pretty gray and wet, this issue should brighten your spirits.
John Spicher of the Anacortes-based custom Coast 34 Time Piece has been released from a hospital in San Diego following the amputation of the lower part of his mangled left leg.
With the exception of the last couple of days, wintering in the Delta has been delightful.
Brian Porter and Jody Starck formally accepted their respective 2013 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year awards yesterday at the St.
Now in its sixth year, the Royal Ocean Racing Club’s annual Caribbean 600 has become one of the darlings of the North Atlantic’s ocean racing calendar.
In our recent posting For Lack of a Kill Cord we told the story of a good Samaritan, John Spicher, who was badly injured in La Paz while helping out a fellow boater who had fallen out of his motorized dinghy.
Forestay fittings have failed among the fleet’s 12 boats causing race officials to divert the fleet to Hong Kong.
A horrific accident occurred near La Paz, Mexico late last month that could have been avoided by the use of a couple of simple pieces of plastic: an outboard kill switch key on a lanyard.
Stand-up paddle boards are becoming more and more popular in the realm of cruising.
One look at this photo of Fatu Hiva the first island many cruisers reach when they arrive in the Marquesas and you’ll know why these isles are often referred to as “dreamy.”
You may have heard about SailMail and you might have even used it the last time you were cruising or when you raced the PacCup two years ago.
We’ve never like crocs, the ugly-but-functional footwear that are sometimes referred to as "the fanny packs of the 2000s."
We received a load of photos on February 10, just in time to give you a pictorial overview of what this year’s Zihuatanejo Sailfest was like.
Robert Fulton of Vancouver, B.C. is preparing to take his Tayana 37, Tropical Dreams, south to Mexico this fall, followed by the Pacific Puddle Jump next spring.
Winter schminter! The cruising this long holiday weekend was fabulous.
© 2014 LaDonna Bubak
Who says you can’t cruise in the winter?
Tere Grossman, president of the Mexican Marina Owners Association, has provided us with a list, complements of the AGACE, of the boats that were ‘Reviewed’, ‘Embargoed’, and ‘Liberated’ in Mexico.
The modest base at BVI Yacht Charters. They’ve been our yacht management company for about six years, and we think they’ve done a great job for us.
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