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A five-member international sailing jury is continuing to hear testimony today regarding allegations of cheating by Oracle Team USA staff during the America’s Cup World Series.
On the odd chance you don’t have much going on this weekend, here are a few events you might want to check out over the next few days: The artists have once again decended on Marin County for the 61st annual Sausalito Art Festival.
Cart load after cart load of stuff like this. It doesn’t mean that the stuff isn’t good or doesn’t have value, it just means you don’t have to carry it everywhere you go.
One would have assumed that the final race of the Louis Vuitton Cup on San Francisco Bay, between Luna Rossa and Emirates Team New Zealand, would have been the most popular high-speed catamaran racing show in the world during the last week.
Oracle Team USA’s were almost indomitable at last August’s AC World Series. © 2013 Oracle Team USA / Guilain Grenier "It is still possible that they (Oracle Team USA) will survive the jury hearings and the evidence gathered against them, but most observers are predicting that team members (will be) banned from the regatta and at least two points docked from Oracle’s defense of the Cup.”
We got a little grief from a few readers last week for suggesting even the remote possibility of the Italian-backed Luna Rossa Challenge staging a comeback in the just-completed Louis Vuitton Cup Finals.
"My daughter is getting married at Presidio YC on August 31," writes Lesley Madison, "and I’m looking for a small dinghy or El Toro-sized boat to hang from the club’s very strong and stable set of pulleys.
Ferrari thrills with Volkswagen pricing: F18s are fast, fun, and accessible. © 2013 Courtesy Cherie Sogsti This Sunday over a dozen Formula 18 catamarans will be racing a short course right in front on the Marina Green in San Francisco starting at 11:15 a.m.,
As predicted, imposing wind limits on America’s Cup racing has forced organizers to cancel several scheduled Louis Vuitton Cup Finals races.
While yesterday’s Louis Vuitton racing might not have been all that thrilling, there was some racing in front of the AC grandstands on Marina Green that was fast and furious when about 30 sailors aged 9-15 took to the water to race O’pen Bics on the ‘treacherous’ America’s Cup course.
After more than seven years of being a fabulous member of Latitude 38‘s editorial team, LaDonna Bubak — not to be confused with Doña de Mallorca — is leaving Latitude at the end of the year to do what you’d expect: go cruising with her husband Rob on their Wauquiez 47 Gazelle.
Some things start small and seemingly innocuous, but grow big and nasty. Just ask the ghost of Richard Nixon about his early denials of having anything to do with the little burglary at Watergate.
The construction of James ‘Hot Rod’ Lane’s 65-ft catamaran Flyin’ Hawaiian was one of the more bizarre efforts in the annals of Bay Area boatbuilding — right alongside Tin Can and Plastiki.
Did your dog fall overboard? Adam Cohen pulled this black lab-pit bull mix from San Francisco Bay on his way home from work on Monday.
It could happen. Bob Fisher, one of the world’s most respected yachting journalists declared, “I would have thought Oracle would have the common decency to withdraw [from the America’s Cup]."
The Gastonguay family were reportedly frustrated with the U.S. government, so Sean, 30, and Hannah, 26, decided to move their family to the remote island nation of Kiribati by sailing there.
Dona Bertarelli and Yann Guichard’s Spindrift 2 rounds Fastnet Rock. © 2013 Kurt Arrigo / RORC For reasons nobody seems to be able to explain, distance yacht racing in the south of England seems to be booming despite an economic downturn and modern life pressing everyone for time.
Luna Rossa with her afterburners on, apparently about to jibe. She may not have looked so hot against the Kiwis during the LVC Round Robin races, but her team is steadily improving, having clocked the fastest course time yet in Wednesday’s race.
Once thought doomed to extinction, whale populations that travel up and down the West Coast are now abundant again (although still officially “endangered”).
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Will and Sarah Curry of the Vancouver, BC-based Beneteau First 405 Hydroquest recently had an up-close-and-personal look at a group of humpback whales during their visit to Tonga.