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Among the things that cruisers will learn about during our Vallarta YC Send-Off Party this afternoon, is the warm Polynesian welcome they’ll receive in the islands.latitude/Andy
After smashing the existing monohull sailing record from New York to San Francisco, the turboed Volvo 70 Maserati has hauled out at the KKMI boatyard in Richmond.
The Coast Guard risks their lives during SAR missions. © USCG Speculation is running rampant across the country that the distress calls received by the Coast Guard on Sunday, reporting that two adults and two children abandoned ship to a makeshift liferaft as their 29-ft sailboat Charm Blow sank out from under them, was a hoax.
The most amazing and exciting moment in yesterday’s US Sailing Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year awards presentation came when Paralympic silver medalist Jennifer French stood up out of her wheelchair.
The Coast Guard are actively searching off Monterey for a family of four — a married couple, their four-year-old son, and his under-eight-year-old cousin — who reported their sailboat was sinking yesterday afternoon.
The Wanderer, having been traveling, just caught up with the February 20 ‘Lectronic, and was particularly enthralled by the 17 Takes Flight item.
Chiquita leads Clarsa in a friendly Venture 23 match race. © Jeff D My sailing buddy Jack Foster flew out from Warrenton, VA to join me for the 600-mile tow from Napa to Lake Havasu, AZ, for the 6th Annual Havasu Pocket Cruisers Convention with my Venture of Newport 23 Clarsa, the first visit for both of us.
Time flies when you’re watching some of the most talented solo racers sail around the world.
Remember back at the end of September when the French Energy Team’s AC45 cat broke loose from its mooring off the San Francisco waterfront and drifted onto the rocky western shore of Treasure Island?
Seen here heading south along the Baja Coast in 2009, Moontide is well known within both the Southern California and Mexico cruising communities.
Bay Area sailors have reported a number of sightings of Oracle Team USA’s AC72 17 since her relaunch on February 4.
This weekend’s collision between a ferry and a 22-ft powerboat in Raccoon Strait is a grim reminder for all mariners to keep a sharp lookout for commercial traffic.
Sailing’s more fun with friends!
Come to Latitude 38’s Spring Crew List Party
Wednesday, March 6, 6-9 pm
Golden Gate Yacht Club in San Francisco.
This file shot approximate the conditions we imagine Maserati is currently experiencing on her route to the Golden Gate — annoyingly slow.
It’s a ditchbag! It’s a liferaft! It’s a scale model of the Pacific Garbage Patch!
As the season’s midwinter racing wraps up, many sailors are gearing up for the typically more spirited conditions found during the spring and summer’s beer can racing.
Marc and Susan did an admirable job with their recreation of the iconic kissing scene.
For most sailors, 900 miles of offshore sailing is a substantial distance. But for legendary Italian ocean racer Giovanni Soldini and his international crew aboard the VOR 70 Maserati, that distance is merely the final sprint of their 14,000-mile Clipper Challenge Cup attempt.
The felucca Nuovo Mondo and the Wettons’ Monterey will be on display — on Sausalito YC moorings — at the Sausalito Herring Festival tomorrow.
As reported previously, both here and in the pages of Latitude 38, the second phase of crew selections for September’s Red Bull Youth America’s Cup will take place this month — with Session 1 beginning tomorrow.
The race signal flags tell the story at January’s BYC Midwinters. © Bob Walden February will be the last (relatively) quiet month on the Bay Area sailing calendar before the big spring regattas of March start. RegattaPRO‘s