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Corinthian YC’s Friday Night Races come to a close tonight with a non-counter race and series awards.
Reknowned artist Jim DeWitt will be showcasing his nautical artwork at the Sausalito Art Festival this weekend.
We bet Jackie Evans had no trouble finding a berth at last year’s Mexico-Only Crew List Party.
Bikes can be a great addition to a cruising boat — if you have room.
Today is the day that the September edition of Latitude 38 hits the streets all around the Bay Area, just in time for your Labor Day weekend reading pleasure!
On the heels of the highly successful AC World Series last week, Oracle Team USA’s AC72, the monster cat that will be used for the America’s Cup Finals next year, is slated to be launched this week (some say tomorrow).
When we showed up at the California YC in Marina del Rey with Profigate a couple of weeks ago to give a presentation, we were assigned the guest dock, which just happened to be about five slips down from the 72-ft Deerfoot II.
Sailors are a notoriously innovative bunch. There are few other applications where the use of duct tape and bailing wire seems to work quite as well — or last as long — as on a sailboat.
Super Sunday of the America’s Cup World Series earned its name with sunny skies, good breeze, fierce competition and tons of action.
During the just completed World Series, the AC 45s with wing mains hit speeds in the low 20s.
Devan Mullins of Newport Beach reports that Tropical Storm Isaac — which killed 10 people in Haiti and the D.R.
Except for cooks and stewardesses, the overwhelming number of crew on large sailing yachts are male.
© Ellen Hoke
Thirty-three knots is the fastest we’d ever sailed on a boat — until yesterday.
“This racing is awesome. It’s the best I’ve ever done in any boat."
If you missed Liz Clark at the California Academy of Sciences last night, the young woman with the Santa Barbara Cal 40 Swell who has been singlehanding around Central America and French Polynesia for the last bunch of years, and who has been a frequent contributor Latitude, will be presenting her Voyage to the Source show at the San Francisco Patagonia Store at 770 North Point at 7:30 p.m.
“Man down!” Both the Emirates Team New Zealand and China Team boats took tumbles yesterday — and higher winds are predicted today.
Shannon and Mike left Halcyon on a mooring in Zihua while they returned to the States to work.
If you haven’t been out catching the practice sessions for the AC Worlds this week, you may have missed more than just the AC45s flitting — and flipping — around San Francisco Bay.
"Finally," reports Rod Williams, "somebody has come up with an affordable bow thruster."
"I am very excited about the America’s Cup because I am a descendant of John Stevens, one of the event’s founders," writes Pamela Glassoff.
Phocea held the title of ‘World’s Largest Sailing Yacht’ for 28 years. She was launched in ’76 as Club Mediterranee for Alain Colas’s OSTAR attempt.
If San Francisco’s normal summer winds pipe up, AC45 fleet racing should be quite a show.
Normally, post-ocean-race repositioning trips are a lot less dramatic than the race itself.
Laura Dekker, the Dutch 16-year-old who became the world’s youngest solo circumnavigator (with stops) in January, has spent the last several months enjoying the the lush life in the South Pacific aboard her Jeanneau Gin Fizz Guppy, and is now bound for her birth country of New Zealand.
Liz Clark will be speaking twice this month in San Francisco.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Liz Clark, who took off cruising, mostly singlehanded, aboard her Santa Barbara-based Cal 40 Swell at a young age, will be making two appearances in San Francisco later this month.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Liz Clark, who took off cruising, mostly singlehanded, aboard her Santa Barbara-based Cal 40 Swell at a young age, will be making two appearances in San Francisco later this month.
Every event can benefit from a theme, so we’re giving next month’s SoCal Ta-Ta — the week-long Southern California version of the Baja Ha-Ha from Santa Barbara to Two Harbors — a ‘Reggae on the Ocean’ theme.
Oops! Yeah, so they strayed outside the channel just a wee bit. No worries.
The Red Cross hurricane app allows you to see the hurricane history of your favorite cruising grounds.
Sometimes boat names are funny, even if they weren’t meant to be.
For example, a few days ago we were tied up at the Cal YC in Marina del Rey, and noticed a pretty good sized powerboat across the fairway.
A sunken boat? No, it’s upside-down photo of an upside-down diver.
© 2012 Courtesy Kurt Roll
Kurt Roll of San Diego loves a warm ocean.
Did you know that you can still sign up for next month’s first-ever SoCal Ta-Ta Sailing Rally?
Word has trickled down to us via the ‘coconut telegraph’ that an unidentified trimaran has been beached on a remote stretch of the west coast of Baja, roughly 22 miles north of Santa Rosalillita.
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