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Liz Clark will be speaking twice this month in San Francisco.Swell
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Liz Clark, who took off cruising, mostly singlehanded, aboard her Santa Barbara-based Cal 40 Swell at a young age, will be making two appearances in San Francisco later this month.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Liz Clark, who took off cruising, mostly singlehanded, aboard her Santa Barbara-based Cal 40 Swell at a young age, will be making two appearances in San Francisco later this month.
Every event can benefit from a theme, so we’re giving next month’s SoCal Ta-Ta — the week-long Southern California version of the Baja Ha-Ha from Santa Barbara to Two Harbors — a ‘Reggae on the Ocean’ theme.
Oops! Yeah, so they strayed outside the channel just a wee bit. No worries.
The Red Cross hurricane app allows you to see the hurricane history of your favorite cruising grounds.
Sometimes boat names are funny, even if they weren’t meant to be.
For example, a few days ago we were tied up at the Cal YC in Marina del Rey, and noticed a pretty good sized powerboat across the fairway.
A sunken boat? No, it’s upside-down photo of an upside-down diver.
© 2012 Courtesy Kurt Roll
Kurt Roll of San Diego loves a warm ocean.
Did you know that you can still sign up for next month’s first-ever SoCal Ta-Ta Sailing Rally?
Word has trickled down to us via the ‘coconut telegraph’ that an unidentified trimaran has been beached on a remote stretch of the west coast of Baja, roughly 22 miles north of Santa Rosalillita.
The day after the race, the remains of Low Speed Chase stood as a grim reminder of the worst tragedy in the history of Northern California offshore racing.
It’s a good thing the U.S. has Michael Phelps and many other gold medal winners in swimming and gymnastics – because our sailing team is coming up empty-handed.
Last Wednesday, August 1, Jeanne Socrates returned to Victoria, BC aboard her Najad 380 Nereida, completing a 29,000-mile solo circumnavigation via the five great capes: Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin, Cape of Tasmania and the Southwest Cape of New Zealand.
Peter Yates’ Bethel Island Beach Party had its biggest showing ever. Kids cooled off in the water and the young-at-heart chilled out with cocktails.
Moonshine, the Dog Patch 26 sailed by Dylan Benjamin and Rufus Sjoberg, has convincingly won the Latitude 38 Performance Trophy for the best division finish in the 2012 Pacific Cup.
When we first met Howard and Judy Wang of Ventura back in 2005, they were about to set sail for French Polynesia with the Pacific Puddle Jump fleet.
“Everybody say, ‘Mai Tai’!” Sebastien de Halleux and the crew of Swazik will be honored guests tonight at the Kaneohe YC.
The Central American cruising community was shaken this week at the news that longtime cruiser Cliff Vaughs was robbed by a group of thugs off the Caribbean coast of Honduras.
Over the years we’ve seen a lot of creative approaches to obtaining sailboats.
At 97 feet in length – with a waterline essentially the same – the maxi-tri IDEC is one of the fastest offshore boats ever built.
Where’s Andy? A diehard traveler, Turpin’s favorite form of vacationing is, of course, aboard a charter yacht.
After being treated like royalty at Sugar Barge on Bethel Island for two nights, participants in the Delta Doo Dah rally had a hard time believing they’d receive as warm a welcome somewhere else.
There is a saying around courtrooms that once you’ve gone to see a lawyer, you’ve already lost.
Drop everything! The new edition of Latitude 38 just hit the streets!
If it feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, we can’t solve your problems for you, but we can prescribe a temporary distraction.
The Delta Doo Dah fleet left yesterday en masse from Vallejo YC, which energized the fleet with tons and tons of excellent grub!
Competition began yesterday (Sunday, July 29) in three of the 10 Olympic sailing classes, with finals in all classes scheduled for the week of August 5-11.
Well, this should help Lake County residents sleep well at night. Former deputy sheriff Russell Perdock was appointed to the Lake County Fire Protection District board of directors last week.
Having published Latitude 38 for 35 years, having been the Grand Poobah of the Baja Ha-Ha for 18 years, and having sailed our personal boats everywhere from San Francisco to Turkey, the good folks at the Cal YC thought we might have a few interesting stories to tell.
School buses? That’s right. While waiting for a friend pick us up some shaft bearings at an industrial supply house in San Diego last week, we struck up a conversation with a guy who was getting parts to try to get his refrigeration system going again on his 70-ft commercial fishing boat so he could head up to Oregon and Washington.
The Delta Doo Dah kicks off tomorrow morning, with the fleet heading into some pretty warm weather.
Double Trouble shaves the South Tower last Thursday on her way out the Gate.
Latitude 38 ‘ad guy’ Mike Zwiebach relates the tale of how he got involved with the first Plastic Classic race:
"I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in the spring of 1985 and went to work in a friend’s family’s Zodiac store in Oakland.
The Cass Gidley Marina-Sausalito Community Boating Center will hold a free public event on the fourth Thursday of every month in an effort to raise funds (via donations) for the restoration of the facility as well as for various sailing programs.
We rarely stray beyond sailing at Latitude, but today we lost our path thanks to a sometimes unintentionally funny and sometimes factually inaccurate story in the New York Times.
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