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The Delta Doo Dah fleet left yesterday en masse from Vallejo YC, which energized the fleet with tons and tons of excellent grub!latitude/LaDonna
Competition began yesterday (Sunday, July 29) in three of the 10 Olympic sailing classes, with finals in all classes scheduled for the week of August 5-11.
Well, this should help Lake County residents sleep well at night. Former deputy sheriff Russell Perdock was appointed to the Lake County Fire Protection District board of directors last week.
Having published Latitude 38 for 35 years, having been the Grand Poobah of the Baja Ha-Ha for 18 years, and having sailed our personal boats everywhere from San Francisco to Turkey, the good folks at the Cal YC thought we might have a few interesting stories to tell.
School buses? That’s right. While waiting for a friend pick us up some shaft bearings at an industrial supply house in San Diego last week, we struck up a conversation with a guy who was getting parts to try to get his refrigeration system going again on his 70-ft commercial fishing boat so he could head up to Oregon and Washington.
The Delta Doo Dah kicks off tomorrow morning, with the fleet heading into some pretty warm weather.
Double Trouble shaves the South Tower last Thursday on her way out the Gate.
Latitude 38 ‘ad guy’ Mike Zwiebach relates the tale of how he got involved with the first Plastic Classic race:
"I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in the spring of 1985 and went to work in a friend’s family’s Zodiac store in Oakland.
The Cass Gidley Marina-Sausalito Community Boating Center will hold a free public event on the fourth Thursday of every month in an effort to raise funds (via donations) for the restoration of the facility as well as for various sailing programs.
We rarely stray beyond sailing at Latitude, but today we lost our path thanks to a sometimes unintentionally funny and sometimes factually inaccurate story in the New York Times.
“So, how’s my driving?” During a test sail over the weekend with Jacques Vincent at the helm, the edgy ‘flying fish’ hydroplanes off Long Beach Harbor.
Late last week, the Sacramento Bee broke the news that the Department of Parks and Recreation — the same department that state legislators want to absorb the highly efficient and boater-funded Department of Boating and Waterways — has been sitting on a $54 million surplus that dates back as far as 12 years.
After 51 weeks of ocean racing Gold Coast Australia took first place on Sunday in the Clipper 11-12 Round the World Yacht Race.
Now just a year away, ‘the big show’ — America’s Cup 34 — will be raced in San Francisco Bay on the most radical boats ever used in Cup combat.
“I’m almost free,” exults Justin Jenkins on the bow of Ichiban. It may be incongruous to have a boat with a Japanese name and Jamaican colors for trim, but why not be different?
Last November, the formerly Sausalito-based Island Packet 380 Triple Stars was abandoned by Rob Anderson during the North American Rally to the Caribbean (NARC) after his wife Jan, 59, was swept overboard when a massive wave broke on the boat.
Sailing and flying are normally considered to be two totally different modes of travel, but not in the case of the revolutionary l’Hydroptere DCNS, which is currently poised to challenge the L.A.
With the money you’ll save on diesel, you can buy matching shades for your entire crew.
With the arrival of Randy Leasure’s Westsail 32 Tortuga, the 18th Singlehanded TransPac has come to a close.
If you’re looking for an excuse to ditch work this week, we suggest you sneak out the back door, head down to your boat and go witness the departure of the 2012 Pacific Cup fleet.
After Bela Bartok‘s unfortunate abandonment early yesterday morning, 22 boats remain in the Singlehanded TransPac fleet, the last five of which will be finishing the race in the next two days.
"Just FYI, my little bitty Business Ad got me work from ORACLE RACING.
After crossing 3,000 miles of open ocean en route to French Polynesia, it’s only natural that sailors would want to get together and socialize.
Early this morning, Derk Wolmuth on the 31-ft Vindo 40 Bela Bartok, an entry in the Singlehanded TransPac, activated his EPIRB about 450 miles off the finish line at Hanalei Bay on Kauai, and broadcast on the SSB that he was requesting a medical evacuation.
It’s not unusual to see lovely ladies aboard sailboats. But nine of them?
Brian VanderZanden on TurboCamper will have finished the 2,120-mile solo race by the time you read this.
There was misfortune on the coast of Baja last month, as 81-year-old Bill Fox of San Francisco lost his Beneteau 42 Rocinante on the beach at Punta Redonda, which is about 9 miles down the Pacific Coast of Isla Margarita.
An army of top photographers participated in the Body Issue project. We have to assume Steven Lippman’s task – capturing Tunnicliffe’s winning form in rough waters – was one of the most challenging assignments.
The Vic-Maui race had a scenic start.
© Andrew Madding / Bow Shot Productions
As the Vic-Maui Race fleet are passing San Francisco Bay’s latitude (at 128 to 132 degrees longitude), they’re beginning to swoop south-southwest.
Within the southbound cruising community there’s been a lot of chatter lately about a new Mexican regulation which supposedly requires that "sea visas" be obtained in advance by all vessels heading south.
When it comes to humans and fish, fish usually come out on the short end.
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