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Lionel Lemonchois’ Prince de Bretagne blazes into Guadeloupe for the Multi50 win.© Marcel Mochet With less than 100 miles to go, Thomas Ruyant looks poised to win the 44-boat Class 40 division in the ’10 Route du Rhum-La Banque Postale.
Laura Zekoll was an avid sailor and adventurer, even after losing the use of her right arm from a motorcycle accident at 16.
One of our favorite things about living in the Bay Area is the opportunity to meet so many interesting southbound cruisers.
Sailors took advantage of this weekend’s sublime weather to shake out the sails and dry out the boat.
We normally don’t follow election results in ‘Lectronic Latitude, but we felt our readers would be interested to learn that Lake County’s Sheriff Rod Mitchell was ousted last Wednesday by a reasonably close margin.
In the ‘good old days’, if you wanted to place a Classy Classified, you sent in your ad and payment by the 18th of the month and it would magically appear in the next month’s issue.
We’ve received more than a few responses to our item in October 22’s ‘Lectronic Latitude where we highlighted the fact that a couple Northern California YCs were waiving, or significantly reducing, initiation fees for new members in an effort to bring more sailors into the fold.
While this may not end up being the main staging area, the prospects of the Cup coming to San Francisco have never looked better.
If it wasn’t so darn funny, we might feel sorry for the 4,466 people stranded aboard the engineless 952-ft cruise ship Carnival Splendor.
Luckily there was no tattoo parlor at Bahia Santa Maria, or Jack and Leanne might have opted for permanent tats rather than these temporary ones.
The dramatic tale of how Rhian Salmon and Andy Whittaker survived the  February 27 tsunami at Robinson Crusoe Islands aboard their 37-ft sloop Zephyrus is featured in the current edition of Latitude 38.
Jeanne enjoys tea at anchor in Hanalei Bay this summer. No doubt she’s been consuming mass quantities of the stuff on the trip down the coast just to stay warm.
We fielded an interesting call from 47-year-old filmmaker Cory Wolfe yesterday asking if we knew any liveaboards who would be willing to be interviewed for a documentary project.
Franck Cammas’ Groupama 3 (in red) has the rhumbline well-protected against his closest competition, Thomas Coville’s Sodeb’O, to the north.
Girls just wanna have . . . a shower! Tim Dick reaped the benefits of an outdoor shower aboard his Beneteau First 42s7.
The Baja Ha-Ha Grand Poobah, clearly on ‘manaña time’, called in the briefest of reports as Profligate was leaving Bahia Santa Maria this morning: "We had a great party at Santa Maria last night, and we have light winds this morning as we’re heading out.
After exiting the Bay of Biscay, Franck Cammas took a hard left and headed South, a strategy that’s paying off in the ’10 Route du Rhum-La Banque Postale.
If you were spooked yesterday by the thought of the November issue of Latitude 38 being late to hit the streets, your fears were in vain.
Bonvivant’s dinghy can be seen on deck, ready to launch if the mast punched a hole in the hull.
After completing one race today, the Cal Maritime Keelhaulers have locked up fifth place overall in the ’10 Student Yachting World Cup in La Rochelle.
In the top left corner of this photo, survivors of the tsunami can be seen trudging through a scoured part of Pagai Utara.
Whether you’re a new cruiser heading south of the border for the first time, or an old salt who’s been cruising Mexico for a decade, cruiser nets are essential for staying up-to-date on weather, local events, and other news.