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A seeing eye dog aboard the Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors’ boat greets a new friend on the docks of Strictly Sail Pacific.latitude/LaDonna
Yankee with a bone in her teeth at the Master Mariners Regatta.
©2008 Latitude 38 Media, LLC San Francisco Bay is home to one of the largest, coolest and most active fleets of classic yachts anywhere in the world — the Master Mariners Benevolent Association.
©2008 Latitude 38 Media, LLC San Francisco Bay is home to one of the largest, coolest and most active fleets of classic yachts anywhere in the world — the Master Mariners Benevolent Association.
Seen here days before setting sail from La Cruz, outside Puerto Vallarta, Gina and Paul are headed home to New Zealand.
Snickers is all smiles now that he doesn’t have to forage for his food.
Last evening, Roy Disney and Leslie DeMeuse-Disney hosted a West Coast preview showing of outtakes from The Morning Light Project at the Strictly Sail Pacific show.
Remember how both Southwest Airlines and American Airlines recently had to temporarily pull many of their planes out of service because of F.A.A.-mandated
If you’re a proud Baja Ha-Ha vet or are planning to Ha-Ha sometime in the future, be sure to stop by our booth (#2022/24) at Strictly Sail Pacific tonight for the annual Baja Ha-Ha Reunion Party around 6 p.m.
Hanalei on the beach at Punta San Marcial.
© 2008 Dennis Monahan
Readers Debbie and Dennis Monahan were on their annual Baja fishing trip out of Agua Verde in late February when they came upon this boat.
Sailors up and down the West Coast plan all year for "their" show, Strictly Sail Pacific at Oakland’s Jack London Square, which will have opened by the time you read this today.
The first two Clipper Round The World racers reached Santa Cruz this morning.
Producers Roy E. Disney and Leslie DeMeuse will be previewing scenes from Morning Light on Thursday night during the Strictly Sail Pacific boat show at Jack London Square in Oakland.
The 63-ft Profligate on the hook just outside of La Paz.
©2008 Latitude 38 Media, LLC After her 12th consecutive winter season in the tropics, it’s time for Profligate, Latitude‘s Surfin’ 63 catamaran, to head back to California.
©2008 Latitude 38 Media, LLC After her 12th consecutive winter season in the tropics, it’s time for Profligate, Latitude‘s Surfin’ 63 catamaran, to head back to California.
"We read the April 9 ‘Lectronic item about Besame, the Southern California-based mini-megayacht that was approached by a panga full of armed and masked men off the coast of mainland Mexico recently," write Guy and Deborah Bunting, former residents of Vista who have been cruising their M&M 46 catamaran Elan in Mexico and Central America for years now.
The 30 crewmembers of Le Ponant were released Friday, after seven days in captivity.
BMW Oracle Racing sailors go back to school for a multihull education courtesy of Franck Cammas and the Groupama team.
Birthday boy – Olin Stephens turned 100 this past weekend.
© 2008 Webb Logg
We would like to join the rest of the sailing world in wishing happy birthday to Olin Stephens, who turned 100 yesterday (April 13).
Before Snickers could board Pride of Aloha, he had to have a flea bath and haircut.
At 16, Zac Sunderland hopes to become the youngest solo circumnavigator.
© Marianne Sunderland
Laurence and Marianne Sunderland of Marina del Rey report that their 16-year-old son Zac, who has 15,000 ocean miles to his credit, will set off next month from Southern California in an attempt to become the youngest person to circumnavigate singlehanded.
Further to the above report, annoucing that Zac Sunderland, 16, hopes to set a record as the youngest solo circumnavigator, we should point out that another 16-year-old, Josh Clark of Panama City, Panama, may attempt the same feat.
The six boats in the anchorage at Fatu Hiva in the Marquesas are dwarfed by the tall peaks.
If you miss Lin and Larry Pardey’s talks at Strictly Sail next weekend (click here for details), you’ll have a chance to catch their "Sixteen Ways to Keep Your Lover" seminar at the Spaulding Wooden Boat Center in Sausalito on April 24 at 7 p.m.
Using the first of two extinguishers, the courageous Wanderer drove away the bees.
Coming as no surprise to anyone who’s been following the America’s Cup saga, BMW Oracle Racing officially announced that a multihull build is underway in Anacortes, Washington.
After our March 24 ‘Lectronic Latitude story about the grim future for two pets abandoned by their American owners on Fanning Island after their boat wrecked on the atoll, we received a hopeful email from a dog and parrot lover in Nevada who wanted to save both animals.
Gitana 13 looks set to finish her San Francisco to Yokohama record attempt early this evening, taking more than three days off the existing record.
A marine insurance industry professional in Southern California sent us an incident report from the 100-ft Northstar motoryacht Besame.
Spectacularly beautiful Caleta Partida, about 20 miles north of La Paz, was the finish line for two races and the center of most Sailing Week activity.
Twice a day local fishermen can be seen launching their boats off Zihua’s downtown beach.
Following last year’s dustup over rating limits and oddities in the Offshore Racing Rule, the Transpacific YC announced it has bumped up the limit for next year’s race to include boats up to 100 feet.
Le Ponant, a 288-ft French luxury yacht, was on its way back to the Med from the Seychelles on Friday when it was overtaken by pirates in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia.
iShares ‘lights it off’ on the Cityfront. Watch this Extreme 40 cat tear up the Bay through Monday.
It took us about a week to get over the post-sail bliss from our once-in-a-lifetime trip aboard Gitana 13 last week.
Last night’s annual Latitude 38 Spring Crew List Party at Golden Gate YC was once again a can’t-miss affair.
Tom Perkins, the Belvedere-based owner of the 289-ft Dyna-Rig Maltese Falcon, has confirmed reports that his big boat is up for sale.
Gabriel, Manager at Costa Baja Marina in La Paz, shrugs in front of a diagram of the marina.
As of yesterday afternoon, the Coast Guard was still broadcasting a "Local Notice to Mariners" for Pteradactyl, which has been sailing on its own since owner Luc de Faymoreau and crewman Disun Den Daas were washed overboard when a "freak wave" pitchpoled the boat on the way home from last Saturday’s Doublehanded Farallones Race.
Luka looks to be in pretty good shape considering she just finished a ‘wrong-way’ circumnavigation.
A Crew List Party tradition is the life raft demo by Sal’s Inflatables of Alameda.
This weekend’s Doublehanded Farallones Race ended prematurely for Moss Landing’s Luc de Faymoreau and Disun Den Daas aboard the former’s Olson 40 Pterodactyl.
There has been a staggering amount of Monday morning quarterbacking in the wake of the tragic loss of Kirby Gale and Tony Harrow, whose Cheoy Lee 31 Daisy disappeared during the Doublehanded Lightship Race on March 15.
On a day in which a very large southwest swell was pounding the north shore of Banderas Bay, this couple had no problem landing their dinghy in the lee of the new breakwater.
“You can call me skipper!” Sailing courses build skills and confidence – and they’re fun!
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