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Looking for a ride to Mexico? If so, you’ll want to mark your calendar with a big red Sharpie: The Latitude 38 Mexico-Only Crew List Party will be held this Wednesday, from 6 to 9 p.m.,
"I’m planning to to take my family to Cabo on our very expensive yacht," writes Brian Littlefield, "and am wondering if there have been any recent pirate-type attacks down there.
The fact that the days are getting shorter, the nights longer, and skippers are turning the bows of their boats toward Mexico can only mean one thing — it’s time for Buccaneer Day at Catalina!
Whether you’re getting ready to head south or just wish you were, you don’t want to get caught without your ‘colors’ – and our chandlery has them in spades.
"This time of year, every time the weather is good the marina fills up," said Scott Pryor of the Monterey Municipal Marina.
Who says sailing with kids is tough? Here’s what super-sailor Rob Wallace has to say about it: Rob knew baby Cristopher was a born-sailor on the way back from Hawaii in ’87 – check out the kid licking the salt spray off his lips!
Having spent much of the summer in Southern California for a change, we couldn’t help but notice a couple of differences between sailing down there and up in Northern California.
Marina Riviera Nayarit as seen last Friday. latitude/Doña de Mallorca
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Doña de Mallorca paid a visit to the much anticipated 400-berth Marina Riviera Nayarit at La Cruz on Banderas Bay last week to check on the progress.
"I’m a 26-year-old Aussie lass who will be heading your way to join my parents on their boat Warrior in Puerto Vallarta," writes Melissa Kuiboer.
The longer, stronger Pyewacket off Diamond Head. latitude/Richard
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Today’s Photo of the Day is of the modified MaxZ 86 Pyewacket, which was built for Roy Disney, as seen crossing the finish line at the end of July’s TransPac.
Just this morning Joseph McGinnis wrote to Latitude 38 asking how he might find a ride on this year’s Baja Ha-Ha cruisers rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas.
When we first met Ray and Peggy Wilson in Puerto Vallarta last spring as they were preparing their Long Beach-based Transpac 49 Sol Searcher for the Pacific Puddle Jump, they looked pretty fit.
KKMI is working with Janssen Pharmaceutica to develop a greener bottom paint, and are inviting Bay Area boaters to help in the effort by volunteering their own bottoms for a one-year study.
Yes, it took 52 days from the Galapagos, but who cares? © Liz Clark Today’s Photo of the Day is of ‘Aron’, a young Hungarian man who has sailed his modest little 19-footer all the way from Europe.
Kati and the marines collect the turtle eggs at Punta Mita. © Karen Milleson "On September 3, a friend told me that he’d seen turtles on the beach to the east of the panga harbor at Punta Mita, Banderas Bay," writes young Kati Milleson, who lives in the El Faro condo project nearby.
This isn’t nearly the maximum resolution available on Google Earth, nonetheless, it’s ideal for orientation of Marina Cabo San Lucas Google Earth
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Bill Finkelstein of the Valiant 50 Raptor Dance informed us that Google has just added a bunch of new countries and detail to their Maps/Earth feature, including more detailed images of Mexico.
The De-Naming Ceremony
I once met a man in Florida who told me he’d owned 24 different yachts and renamed every single one of them.