Archive for October 2020
Brickyard Cove Marina Has Slips to Rent
We are very excited to announce that we have completed our dock replacement project for A through G dock at Brickyard Cove Marina, and now have openings in most sizes.
Wind Gods Smile upon Islander 36 Nationals
We went from an unhealthy air situation on the Bay on Friday to a glorious 10- to 12-knot westerly with crisp blue skies and sparkling water.
Halloween Revives Sailors’ Stories of Fear
With Halloween just off our bow, it is time to apprise you of ghost ships, those vessels that sail on the sea, absent of living crew: portents of doom.
Guess Where
Do you know where this is? Give us your best guess.
November Magazine Out Today
We've put together a fun- and fact-filled issue of Latitude 38 magazine to see you through the next 30 (+ 1) days. Here's a preview . . .
Modern Sailing School & Club Is Hiring
Complete your ASA IQCs at MSC! Our new instructors receive 100% tuition reimbursement for each clinic after teaching their first course at the level.
When You Can’t Find Your Tide Book
I can make a good rough guess by the angle of the gangway, and by looking at the dryness or dampness of the rocks I can usually tell if the tide is going up or down. But it's a crude estimate...
Mexico Check-In: Cabo or Ensenada?
One of the decisions facing the 70 boats that have signed up for the 2020 Nada Ha-Ha, is where to clear into Mexico.
Women’s Sailing Seminar Goes Virtual
Linda Newland doesn’t shy away from delivering the “cockroaches and all” version of what it takes to be an accomplished skipper.
November Yacht Racing Preview
We have some good news for yacht racers: Yes, there will be midwinters this year. We'll get to those in a moment, but, first…
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