Archive for October 2018
Notices Being Posted on Boats in Richardson Bay
After decades of passionate debate, the fate of Marin County’s most contentious piece of water seems poised to change, at least in Sausalito waters.
On Monday, the Sausalito Police Department handed out and posted flyers on all vessels anchored in the city’s jurisdiction on Richardson Bay, or the waters west of the channel and closest to the shoreline. More »
A DIY West Delta Doo Dah
Max Perez of the Pearson 303 Olive filed this report on his solo Delta Doo Dah cruise this summer:
I had far too brief a trip to the western part of the Delta this year in late June. More »
It’s a Small World
Cruising sailors know that if you stay close to the water, you’ll regularly cross tacks in harbors anywhere in the world. So it was no surprise when we were standing at the Latitude 38 table at the Baja Ha-Ha kick-off party in San Diego that a woman came up and found her cover shot on our new backdrop. More »
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Great Pumpkin Spotted in Richmond
Each October, as Halloween approaches, the Great Pumpkin visits San Francisco Bay. This is not Linus van Pelt’s Great Pumpkin, rather it is Richmond Yacht Club’s Great Pumpkin Regatta. The festivities began with a pumpkin carving party and pasta feed for kids on Friday evening and continued with three buoy races on three courses in the Southampton and Berkeley Circle racing areas. More »
The 25th Baja Ha-Ha Is Off with a Bang
Did you just hear horns blasting, fire hoses firing, and the sound of a mariachi band? That was the sound of the 25th Baja Ha-Ha headed out of San Diego Bay and making a left turn for the border. More »
Test Your Sailing Trivia Skills
There’s a whole lot of racing going on at Richmond Yacht Club’s Great Pumpkin on the last weekend in October, but it’s also one of the busiest regattas we can think of in terms of extracurricular fun. More »
Monday News Briefs
Halloween Mist on San Francisco Bay
“No fog machine needed for this event!” wrote Greg Clausen of the Great Pumpkin Regatta. “Nice race — more wind next time please. This was taken from Cal 40 Highlander.” More »
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Midwinters and Turkeys Arrive with November
Don’t be afraid, but here comes ‘winter. Not the actual calendar season — the winter solstice is still 53 days away — but the midwinter racing season. A variety of midwinter series begin in November. More »
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