Archive for December 2015
Science Lesson from the Bilge
Earlier this month we introduced ‘Lec Lat readers to the curious, perfectly square crystals that we found growing in our boat’s bilge. We assumed they were salt crystals, of course, as there’d been a pinhole leak down there around a through-hull fastening. More »
Trade Fair Spotlights Maritime Careers
Opportunities for maritime careers in the Bay Area may be slowly diminishing, but apparently that’s not true everywhere on the West Coast. Need for marine industry employees in the Northwest has prompted the Northwest Marine Trade Association to host a free Marine Career Fair at the Seattle Boat Show on February 1, during which 25 local marine-related businesses will attempt to fill more than 75 full-time positions as well as many seasonal jobs. More »
Comanche Takes Hobart Line Honors
Forget spectator boats. How cool is it to be escorted into Hobart by a fleet of dolphins? Comanche’s effort to hang in for the win is one for the record books. More »
Keeping a Lookout
As every experienced sailor knows, bad things can happen when you don’t — or aren’t able to — keep a constant lookout while underway. Here’s a great example of that, pulled from our email box today. More »
Hartjoy Solos the Horn – Again
A jubilant Jeff Hartjoy points to Cape Horn during his first solo rounding in 2009. He made it around safely again late last week, this time while attempting a complete nonstop solo circumnavigation — at the age of 69! More »
Taking a Holiday Break
Winter has begun in the Northern Hemisphere, and with it the holiday season. ‘Lectronic Latitude will take a break for the rest of this week and will return on Monday, December 28. More »
Lighting It Up for the Holidays
The docks of the San Rafael YC were enlivened by boatloads of colored lights Saturday night. Spectators there had a front-row seat for the parade.
© 2015 Lynn Ringseis
Apparently the weather gods were in a festive mood Saturday night, as a break in the rain was perfectly timed so that several dozen boats could show off their holiday spirit at the annual San Rafael Lighted Boat Parade. More »
New Race to Bermuda
Troy Sears’ 139-ft schooner America, a replica of the first winner of what would become called the America’s Cup, is already pre-registered for the 2017 Antigua Bermuda Race, the final event in her tour of North America and the Caribbean. More »
Peso to Dollar
We’re not saying the Chinese at Mega is any healthier than the Chinese at a typical place in the States, but for less than $4, you get enough food to last all day. More »
Russell Perdock Appointed Mayor
For many Northern California sailors, the most jaw-dropping ‘WTF’ news story circulating this week is a Lake County Record-Bee report that Russell Perdock has been appointed — not elected, appointed — mayor of Clearlake, the tiny town on the shores of the North Bay lake with the same name. More »
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