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Archive for January 2012

Kickin’ the Winter Blues

Sailors in the Lake Havasu Pocket Cruisers Convention will get continental when they sail under the London Bridge. Lake Havasu Pocket Cruisers convention
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Six years ago, Sean Mulligan organized a small cruise-out for fellow trailer sailer owners to Lake Havasu, a Colorado River reservoir on the California-Arizona border. More »
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Sailing the Bay Talks

Readers have no doubt seen mentions of Ron Blatman, who won four regional Emmy awards for his PBS documentary Saving the Bay, and his plans for a new documentary titled Sailing the Bay. More »

Somali Pirates and a Lightning Romance

"My husband John and I, who had chartered the Leopard 45 ‘ti Profligate, just happened to bump into Roger Hayward of the Long Beach-based Catalina Morgan 440 La Palapa, while at the Bitter End YC at Gorda Sound in the British Virgins," reports International Cub Reporter Lynn Ringseis of Novato. More »

Hundreds Attempt the Three Bridge Challenge

The first strategic decision for most, but certainly not all, entrants was to ride the ebb to Blackaller. latitude/Andy
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC More often than not, conditions for the annual Three Bridge Fiasco are cold, wet and nasty — the sort of weather that would inspire fair-weather sailors to turn up the thermostat, slip on their Uggs and linger over a long, drawn-out breakfast. More »

Mixing Sailing Fun & Fundraising at Z-Fest

Young scholars who do well in school get a big reward: a ride on a sailboat in the annual Z-Fest boat parade. latitude/Andy
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC The coastal town of Zihuatanejo has long been a favoritie stop for cruising sailors, as it has maintained it’s laid-back, ‘old Mexico’ charm, in contrast to the rampant ultra-modern development at nearby Ixtapa and elsewhere along the Mexican mainland. More »

Wit and Wisdom

The current plight of the Costa Concordia reminds us of a comment attributed to Churchill by James C. Humes in his book The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill:" It’s hard to picture the great statesman playing shuffleboard. More »

Clarifying Italian Yacht Taxes

Dave Wallace of the Puerto Escondido-based Amel Maramu Air-Ops reports he has some additional information on the daily boat taxes the Italians are going to be laying on owners of Italian and foreign yachts starting on May 1. More »