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There is no Internet at Santa Cruz Island. If there were, we can imagine the number of boats anchored there in the summer would dramatically increase. 
A man has died after a possible propane explosion and fire aboard a sailboat at Marina Coral in Ensenada yesterday afternoon, according to reports from witnesses in the marina.
The 14th District of the US Coast Guard has been commemorating the 100th anniversary of Oahu’s Diamond Head Lighthouse, "a cultural icon and landmark," this summer.
The schooner Alert was wending its way through the 200+ islands of Casco Bay. latitude/John
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC While San Francisco Bay boasts steady breezes, a 12-month season and spectacular scenery, most local sailors still want to explore much of the rest of the sailing world.
Merlin’s delivery crew pauses to pose for a photo before departing Honolulu. They are: Larry Radcliffe, El Cerrito; Kody Reed, Monterey; Jack Everett, Chattanooga, TN; Steve Burke, Santa Cruz; Jeff Bowler, Moss Landing; Genevie Drew, Santa Cruz; and delivery captain Don Radcliffe, Santa Cruz.
The crew of a Marina del Rey-based 11:Metre are the first Americans to be invited to the class’s Scandinavian Nationals since 2002. Jamie
By now, the August 1 issue of Latitude 38 should have made its way to the usual waterfront venues, plotting its course into the soon-to-be-ink-stained hands of West Coast sailors.
Why didn’t I think of that?  © 2017 James Tantillo At some point in your boat owning career, it’s likely that you’ll have to tension the belt(s) on your engine.
The 2nd Half Opener saw a dramatic photo finish on Saturday, as two Express 37s were neck and neck on the Oakland Estuary in the final stretch to the finish line in front of Encinal Yacht Club.
Among the exciting regattas coming up in the month August, we’re particularly paying attention to the following.
There are lots of reasons for signing up for the September 10-16 SoCal Ta-Ta Rally from Santa Barbara to Catalina, starting with the fact that it’s the only ‘Reggae ‘Pon Da Ocean’ sailing event in the world.
The following comes to us from David James as part of our Reader Submission Series (if you have a good sea story or a great photo, please send it here):   "There are some traditions on the Bay that are deserving of resurrection.
This story [which has been updated as of 1 p.m.] comes courtesy of Anne Russell in response to our Cover Contest, where we were also soliciting general sailing news, stories and photos.
The victorious locals of Team Killian celebrated their win at Balboa YC. © 2017 Longpre Photos Sailing for the host club, Balboa Yacht Club, 20-year-old Christophe Killian won the Governor’s Cup International Youth Match Racing Championship on July 17-22 in Newport Beach.
While prowling the Sausalito waterfront we came across this sleek new 50-footer recently delivered to a Bay Area owner.