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For the second year in a row the first finishers in the 70th Newport to Ensenada Race, which started on Friday, completed the race before the race committee and media could drive from Newport Beach across the border to Ensenada.
Sailors have long followed the tradition of putting a message in a bottle and hurling it into the sea, sometimes as a call for help after being stranded on a deserted island, sometimes just to see where it goes. 
It was only a matter of a few feet in the last race of the 30th Annual Antigua Classic Regatta that kept the event from very possibly being the scene of the biggest megayacht collision and destruction dance in the history of recreational sailing.
In 2018, California will slowly roll out a new law requiring boaters — including sailboats with motors — to carry proof they’ve taken a safety course.
Roger Ruud, our 2016 King of the Beer Cans, stopped by the booth during the Pacific Boat Show while shopping for gear for his new-to-him 1987 Nordic 40 hull #26, now named Mystic. 
The 70th annual Newport to Ensenada Race starts today; 187 boats will have hit the start line by the time we post this.
The Bullship’s 25 adult El Toro sailors start their journey from Sausalito across the Bay to San Francisco under overcast skies on April 22.
Chris and Monica Glubka of the California-based Hylas 46 Sea Glub have been writing a blog about their cruise down into Mexico, and some lines from a recent posting got our attention.
On April 14, we posted a story from ABC7 News about islands of silt in the Petaluma River, the cancelation of Petaluma Yacht Club’s Memorial Day event, the lack of yachts at the club and the general headaches boaters have been dealing with.
During much of Webb Chiles’ trip up the South Atlantic weather conditions were mild — sometimes so mild, in fact, that tiny Gannet could sail with her hatches open. 
There is federal money available to dredge silted-up Bay Area waterways, but boaters will have to act fast, before April 28!
With all sails flying, the 1979 10-ft LOD Pacifier was seen sailing in the America’s Schooner Cup on April 1 in San Diego.
While adjusting the dials on the ‘wayback’ machine as we dug into the archives for stories and anecdotes for Latitude 38’s 40th-anniversary features, we discovered we’re sharing our decade anniversary with a good number of other businesses and organizations that also started in years ending in the lucky number ‘7’.
The Vallejo Summer Beer Cans are in full swing!  Last Wednesday, about 10 boats slugged it out under steady breeze and ominous skies that threatened rain (but never delivered).
At the end of March, we posted a harrowing video of a small sloop flailing dangerously close to a Southern California pier before being picked up by a wave and swept into the pilings.
Large or small, all boats in the Voiles are competitive. But no matter how competitive ‘Pinky’ is, she’s going to get rolled by the Farr 115 Sojana. 
Recent storms have deposited so much silt in the Petaluma River that boats can’t currently get to the docks in the downtown turning basin — and the normal flow of water itself is blocked.
Two fixtures of San Francisco Bay Area sailing are celebrating their recent marriage today with a sail-off on the Bay.
Delta waters may appear placid to recreational sailors, but what lurks beneath the (figurative) surface?
The National Sailing Hall of Fame will host an Adams Cup Reunion on May 19-21 at the NSHOF in Annapolis, Maryland.
Pen and watercolor of Victoria Dock, Hobart, Tasmania.  © 2017 Dorothy Darden It seems as if it was only a few years ago when Tiburon residents Steve and Dorothy Darden launched their Morrelli & Melvin-designed 52-ft catamaran Adagio in New Zealand.
Delta sailors, we are seeking your expertise and hoping to mine your memories of great Sacramento and San Joaquin River destinations.
We always love spending time in our booth at the Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show as we reunite with old friends, make new friends and connect with readers and sailors from all over the West.